WTF is Twin Flames? ~ The Universal Truth of the Twin Flames Phenomenon

Sunny WestClare
6 min readDec 4, 2023


First, I want to apologize for such an emotionally loaded title. Secondly, I want to welcome you to my world, Making Sense of Life. If you haven’t read my previous article on Twin Flames, please consider clicking here to read. I assure you that reading the previous article will offer a few more clues in making sense of life.

Photo by Gary Fultz on Unsplash

If you are curious about this topic's romantic potential, I am sorry! I am afraid that I don’t have the good news you are hoping for. I assure you that this article will save you from future troubles.

If you encountered frustration in your search for a perfect partner, I am sorry for the difficulties you had to endure. It has taken me nearly Forty years, after stumbling through four long-term relationships, immersing myself in spirituality, psychology, and interpersonal neurobiology, to gain a wholistic and complete understanding of human relationships. If this is an area you are interested in, please consider following my profile to be informed of upcoming articles. Your comments and questions are greatly appreciated as they will kindle ideas for future articles.

If you have suffered adverse experiences in your exploration with Twin Flames, I am really sorry about what happened to you. My heart goes out to you. I am extending my arms, offering you a hug if you welcome it.

Being a psychic/intuitive blessed with a solid truth-detecting radar, after decades of seeing exploitive behaviors of unethical spiritual practitioners damaging the reputation, trust, and safety of a supposedly loving community, I feel very disappointed, angry, and sad.

It's been quite challenging for me pondering on how to write this article. The conclusions below were achieved with a few years of psychic exploration in the ethers, real-life Soul dramas, and a lot of heart aches.

The Spiritual Truth about Twin Flames

Photo by Chad Stembridge on Unsplash

In a community center packed with divided booths and display tables, Sunbeams lazily stretched themselves across the wooden floor next to a wall of French doors. It was a weekday afternoon. The after-work crowd hasn’t arrived yet. I strolled in slow motion, breathing in the cozy rays of the setting sun, browsing through gemstones, incenses, tarot cards, and whatever was on the display tables.

I focused my full attention inside my body with my eyes on the table. I carefully observed my physical/energetic sensations for that sense of calling, whispering, or wink from a crystal, gemstone, or deck of cards who wanted to go home with me that afternoon.

All of a sudden, a massive electrifying shockwave went through my energy body, a sensation I had never experienced before. In awe and dismay, I lifted my head to search for the source.

I must have a shockingly funny expression on my face because when his eyes and mine met, they spoke surprise, and his lips spelled trying-very-hard-to-hold-in-his-laughter.

“Was that you? Did you feel that jolt?” I was eager to find out what was going on. I forgot to be polite or to speak in a way that made sense to him. Thankfully, he knew exactly what I meant. He nodded.

He was in town for a business trip and happened to come across this Body Mind Spirit Fair. Neither of us knew what this was about, but we agreed to exchange contact information for further exploration.

A couple of emails later, we achieved a mutual understanding that there was some kind of soul connection, something deeper and more than a reconnection of soul family. (Soul family connection usually shows up as a sense of familiarity, a short burst of non-sexual attraction, a strong desire to reach out and to know more.)

The connection between this guy and me, besides the initial jolt, was a sense of cellular mirroring/resonance, as if we are vibrating at identical frequencies; we are one of the same, like looking into the mirror and seeing 99% of me in a different skin; like we were in sync, breathing the same air. We felt like each other’s echo, and our energy bodies occupied the same space.

It took a few attempts of mind-traveling into the ethers/Akashic Records before I got some clarity.

Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

Many lifetimes ago, in a human experience around the third century.

The scorching sun was so hot it dried the serum inside the blisters on my face. Eyelids heavy, peeling lips cracked, filled with dry blood. My mind could no longer focus or think. My body was numb, with throbbing yet dull strain on my wrists and ankles. Slumped over, nailed on crosses, a row of us awaited the good Lord to pick us up.

“Dear Lord, I lived and preached your teaching. I hope I have earned my humble seat to be by your side. Please take me, I am too exhausted to live on. I am ready to meet you.” I said my prayers and bid goodbye to the world I knew, wondering how I ended up here.

A blazing heat originated from the center of my belly and quickly radiated outwards, filling my entire body. It felt like every cell of me was on fire, a thousand-degree flames, excruciating pain from the heat, and tearing apart in slow motion….. I saw the body remain on the cross as my awareness softly floated away. It is still breathing, the body. Half of me was still in the body, but my awareness is here, floating away, being called upon for other missions of my soul.

That guy I met in the community center in the spring of 2004, was the half of me that got left behind in that nearly lifeless body. It started a new awareness other than my own, a new beginning of a different individual.

Photo by henry perks on Unsplash

You just witnessed the mitosis of a soul, a reproduction process that splits one soul into two individual ones. The two souls were one up until the moment it split. The instant the split, it became two individuals having different consciousnesses, awarenesses, and futures.

This is the spiritual/metaphysical truth on which the romantic “Twin Flames Sacred Union” is based.

  • YES to the blazing pain of flames.
  • YES to the split.
  • YES to the two identical beings at the moment of split….. I suppose it is Once-Upon-a-Time-Twin for just a second.
  • NO to the romantic connections.

This is the first time I met one of my Once-Upon-a-Time-Twin in 1700 years. I checked with the Akashic Records. My original soul experienced 11 splits. I lived about one thousand incarnations. Take these numbers and do a bit of hypothetical math. What are the odds for anyone to meet that Once-Upon-a-Time-Twin and for it to be the right race (i.e., human, alien, other earthlings, animals, etc…), age, and gender?

I bet you are eager to know what happened to me and my once-upon-a-time twin. After I disclosed my regression meditation to him, he responded, “Ah! No wonder. That is fascinating!” A giant puzzle was solved, and we both acknowledged this was an extraordinary chance encounter.

Like a storm blowing through, the wind died down, and waves subside. We are starting our new day just like any other day in the past 1700 years. The knowledge of the split was precious when observed, like a star twinkling in the sky, a jellyfish swimming in the ocean, or a ladybug resting in a field of poppies.

To me, this is one of the infinite opportunities to learn about metaphysical/spiritual truths of human experience/existence so that I can share them with curious spirits like you. I hope you find satisfaction in this knowledge, and please pass it along to those who might be at risk of falling into the “Twin Flame Sacred Union” bull trap.

Be merry, be brilliant, be uniquely you!



Sunny WestClare

Humanology: the art and science of making sense of human experience in the perspectives of spirituality, biology, psychology, neurobiology, and sociology.